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Free Order Registration
Your shopping route is here

Step 1
Make a list of your desired products in the store.

Step 2
Enter the order registration page.

Step 3
In the order form, enter your list of desired product, address, and contact No. and click register.

Step 4
Your request is registered and sent to sales experts.

Step 5
Sales experts will contact you to register the invoice and additional information.

Step 6
Your order has been delivered to the warehouse and will be sent to you.
Thanks for your purchase.
Order registration is free, and after registration on the website, your order will be sent to the nearest representative to your place of residence. Subsequently, the representative will contact you and the product will be sent to you on the same day.
Get In Thoch
- Phone : +98-21-53805 (30 direct lines)
- Mail: info@homeket.co
- Address: No. 230, 9th Shemshad, Nasirabad Industrial Town, Robat Karim, Tehran, Iran.